Thursday, April 21, 2016

Texas is Far from Perfect: Austin Mckee

    My fellow Colleague, Austin Mckee, wrote a great opinion article, "Dear Texas: You're Far From Perfect, So Stop Pointing Your Finger," on why Texas, and more specifically, Texans need to stop shaming women who receive abortions. Throughout her article, she writes about the stigma and shame that come with getting such a procedure, and I couldn't agree more. As someone who is a huge advocate and supporter of abortions and sexual education, birth control and the like, I find it appalling that as a society in 2016, we still frown upon this specific medical procedure. 
    Firstly, she brings up the uncomfortable facts about the overwhelming amount of children in the foster care system and how they are being raised in neglectful and unsafe environments, for this isn't fair to the children. Unfortunately, Texas doesn't pay as much attention to the children after they're born, as they do while that child is medically/scientifically claimed a fetus; therefore, like Ms. Mckee states, the situation isn't managed as well as it could be. 
    Also, she mentions Planned Parenthood and that Texas should be supporting them, for the stigma against such corporations needs to stop. I also couldn't agree more with her argument. The supporting of Planned Parenthood would solve an immense amount of problems that woman face while being sexually active/pregnant. How is this a bad thing? I appreciate Ms. Mckee's specific statement, which says that  if Texas would publicly support Planned Parenthood, it would help reduce the stigma against abortions, for it would show the vast population that their state isn't going to stigmatize it any longer.
    Furthermore, Mckee ends her argument with stating that the stigma that is aimed against woman who receive/want abortions won't help anyone, for it only teaches people, and more importantly kids, how to judge. Children should be taught that their body is their own, and they should have the freedom to have control over it. Once again, Mckee makes an excellent argument, and it's fantastic to read an article that is preaching love and acceptance, instead of hate and judgement. 

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