Thursday, April 7, 2016

Should Texas be funding Planned Parenthood?

What would you, the reader, think about a Health Care center that helps women, men, and children with STI/STD testing, contraceptive help, cancer screening, abortion's, etc? One would hope the reader would be in favor of such an establishment, for it's main goal is to help Texans, American's, stay healthy; therefore, the state of Texas should be funding Planned Parenthood due to the positive impact that it has on American's and most importantly, Texans.

Firstly, Planned Parenthood is a fantastic health care provider, and i'll inform you as to why. On Planned Parenthood's "Who We Are" section, they state, "These health centers provide a wide range of safe, reliable health care — and the majority is preventive, primary care, which helps prevent unintended pregnancies through contraception, reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections through testing and treatment, and screen for cervical and other cancers." This health care provider's main goal is to help people become informed about safe sex, what to do in case a woman becomes accidentally pregnant, and to test people to see whether they have cancer or not. Those are fantastic goals for an organization, for it shows that their main priority is to help keep the public educated and safe. Planned Parenthood has also always been an establishment that supports a persons right , more specifically a woman's right, to have the freedom to do what they want with their bodies and how to be safe about it. 

Although Planned Parenthood is a fantastic organization that's aimed at helping and educating the public, they aren't funded in the Republican and Southern state of Texas. A major reason that Republican leader's don't want to fund Planned Parenthood is their active participation in performing abortions, but what they don't know, is that Planned Parenthood doesn't use any federal money to fund said abortions; According to a Washington Post article, How Planned Parenthood Actually Uses It's Funding, Planned Parenthood funds abortions with Donations, foundations and fee's which means that the Republican's and those who oppose the procedure wouldn't pay for them even if Planned Parenthood was funded. Also, according to the same article, abortions only make up 3% of all services that the health care center provides. I hope you, the reader, can start to understand how ludicrous it is that we, the state of Texas, still don't fund this organization even though the basis of the majority of the arguments made opposing the funding of such centers were just disproved. Yes, Texas is a typical southern and republican state, but even Republicans can't deny the facts. If one is a republican, now you can know that your tax dollars aren't funding abortions, for they're funding safety and health for all. 

All in all, Planned Parenthood should be funded in Texas, for they do more good than bad for Texan's. Planned Parenthood's main goal is to help people stay safe, become educated, and be healthy. How can one be against that? This health care provider has always had a special place in my heart due to it's continual fight towards a sexually educated, healthy, and happy population. I hope that Planned Parenthood gets funded sooner rather than later, for they've earned it and proved countless times that Texans, and Americans, are in their best interest. 

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