Friday, May 13, 2016

Response: Megan Lomas: Bathroom Law Battle Begins to Take Hold in Texas

    My fellow colleague, Megan Lomas, has brought up some excellent points in her article, Bathroom Law Battle Begins to Take Hold in Texas. She is against Texas's movement towards mimicking North Carolina's law recent law banning people with male body parts from using women's restrooms no matter what that person identifies as. Lomas states that law's like these only push violence against Trans people, and I couldn't agree more. Acting out against a certain class of people with negativity will only perpetuate hate. 
    She also brings up the uncomfortable truth about why the majority of people are uncomfortable with Gender Neutral Bathrooms, for a lot of people think it's unsafe; nonetheless, there hasn't been any evidence indicating more unsafe bathrooms. She is completely right when she states that if one doesn't feel "comfortable" with Trans gendered people using the restroom, then one shouldn't use it. I believe that the belief's of one group of people shouldn't stop law's from being set into place that push for equality for everyone, for if those laws aren't enacted, that's doing an injustice towards fellow Americans.
    All in all, I like Lomas's points as to why Transgendered people should be able to use the bathroom, for it isn't fair to make someone, who identifies as a woman, use the men's resroom. I couldn't imagine how that must feel. Come on Texan's, let's catch up with 2016, for this is a great place to start; Equality for all is never a bad thing.


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