Thursday, March 24, 2016

Grits for Breakfast: Why is the Federal Government continually finding what Texas Rangers cannot?

According to the blog Grits for Breakfast, the Texas State and Local Government isn't spending enough time digging into potential corruption within its own borders; therefore, the Federal Government is continually having to step in in order to find the truth, "Are Texas Rangers incompetent to confront corruption, or just disincentivized?"

Grits is an outraged blogger who's tired of hearing about their State Law Enforcement and Government letting corruption happen within it's borders due to border control being considered more important. As a Texas resident, it's incredibly frustrating to read about local officials "gassing" up their personal vehicles from the city yard, and yet, nothing was done about it by the local authorities. This article is aimed towards the state of Texas, and more specifically, towards the Texas Rangers who weren't diligent enough in their investigations. The blog states, "The DA said the Texas Rangers' investigation was "diligent," but it wasn't diligent enough to uncover wrongdoing. So how is it that the feds could get the job done? They found a "truckload of documents" they considered incriminating enough to seize as evidence and made numerous arrests." This is disheartening on a multitude of levels. The Texas Law Enforcement's main concern should be to keep corruption and illegal activity to a minimum within it's borders, but like Grits states, they're more concerned with the "corruption" on the opposite side of the border and the illegal border crossing. Grit's also believes that this could be due to the Texas Law Enforcement being "lazy" and knowing that the Federal Government will come and clean up the mess. It's almost as if they're treating the Local Law Enforcement as a child who will continually do something wrong because it's easier and quicker, and the National Government as the parent who will always sweep in to fix the mess. Is that claim too harsh? Not really. The Federal Government has a reputation for continually prosecuting corrupt officials and going farther in their investigations than the local law. While the Local law does nothing to investigate corruption, the corruption becomes stronger and the Local Law appears to be weaker.

Grits concludes their argument with stating that the corruption happening on Texas's, The United State's, side of the border is immensely more important than a potential "Nanny" or "Landscaper" illegally crossing the border. As a nation, we need to take care of the local injustices and stop embarrassing ourselves by continually proving to be incompetent when investigating local illegal activity.